THis round was a quick one and highlighted 2 games on the run, PE boys taking the first game against Hackermen and but only by a short margin, Ryan N got 15 point son the sheet and Trent H got 12 as he channeled his intensity into the matchup to overwhelm only slightly the efforts of Josh H on 19 who got game high, and James T on 11, good matchup but in the end Hackermen snap a 3 game win streak with a loss.
FireBallers finally end a 9 game losing streak! getting a great win on Multiple Scorgasms who will now swap with them for the lower rung of the ladder, Marley and Aidan took scoring in to their hands nad got some buckets to go but not able to close this one out getting down by 1 point, the last ditch effort long range shot not getting near the mark this time, close and dramatic end!
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