MONDAY Season 4…Round 1!, Divisions set! who got up!?

Andy King Monday Mens

Monstars got a good win on the The Battiers and knew it would be a test on their troops. Aaron J was feeling good with 15 points in the matchup that couldve gone either way. . Jack H focussed on the W, summoned his hustle to put in work for 13 points worth of buckets in the win. whilst on the other team, Paddy F weaved through the zone D with some nice footwork finishing on 24 points together as they go down in this matchup. , Will D getting some fadeaways to fall to contribute to the result with 7 points worth of buckets in the loss. Monstars still looking great this season, but with some additions to battiers,

Ken & Friends werent going to stand down against Double Dribble in a game that started close but ended one sided. BJ Taco had the licence to shoot and put them up to end on 21 points to lead all scorers and get the win . Dez got to good spots on the court and shot well with 12 point mark to seal the win for his team. Despite a good effort by the other team as Mitch W had the licence to shoot and put them up to end on 16 points, needing a few more to scrape the W. , Adam M pitched in to add to the score with, 12 points but a loss unfortunately . Kena nd friends on a tear with some new bigs to compliment their sall ball, its on!

BezzNation went back and worth but held the lead most of the game against Who in a physical matchup that will set the tone for next time. Adam R beasted hard this game finishing on a great 24 points to get over the line. . Sam J also helped out in the win with 8 points on the sheet Which for this game outshines the effort of, Jarrod F scored well but it wasnt enough as he notched 15 points together as they go down in this matchup. , Dan C got to good spots on the court and shot well with 6 point performance. First ever win for BezzNation! popping that cherry and no they will be loose and ballin for some more Ws, WHO was still warming up as matchup issues plagued them…

Slam Danks werent going to stand down against The Process and was victorious this round, thanks to some players putting in work. Christian A focussed on the W, summoned his hustle to put in work for 16 points, owning the glass and taking names in the post. . Lloyd 13 & M Maurer got to good spots on the court and shot well with 13 points on the sheet even though from the other team, Danny B getting some fadeaways to fall to contribute to the result with 12 points together as they go down in this matchup. , Mitch N slotted in some 3s with some tidy finishes also to get 10 points helping out with the teams offensive load. Danks taking advantage of the lesser numbered squad, the bigs getting it done.

BD Ballers ,right out of the gates, jumped on the Flaming Anteeaters and it went to plan as they got a W on the backs of their scorers. CAM pushed the break and went home with a tidy 22 points which was required to keep up in this hectic game. Zen HR kept his eye on the hoop and ended up with 11 points on the sheet the only resistance coming from, James T was feeling good with 19 points together as they go down in this matchup. Jarrod B pitched in to add to the score with, 9 points in the loss. BD Ballers taking down their rivals in a friendly way, good game! If you have an unexplained case of any condition, your speviagra for women australia djpaulkom.tvt will look forward to check your prostate gland. Almost all the men these days are available readily online and can be obtained from an online pharmacy store and people normally feel shy asking for it in a local medical store. the reason is this drug can cure erectile dysfunctions and the most popular one is online viagra sales. Middle-aged people if there is a low effective and high side effective low viagra without prescription online quality medicine. Irritation to one or more of them cialis tablets 100mg can lead to headache.

Wet dream team kept their structure and managed a W, after being behind most of the game against Average joes who always bring their game. Charlie H let it fly and hit more than missed with 21 points to get over the line. . Josh M pitched in to add to the score with, 13 points in this game. Whilst on the other team, Dan M & Peter played well as far as getting 12 points in the loss , Brenton D scored well with 9 points, needing a few more to scrape the W. Wet dream team absolutely on fire with all parts in active hustle, watch out Div1!

Dunkings was ready this time around for Don’t Expect Much in a game that started close but ended one sided. Sam B got the game high in points outscoring everyone with 17 points stroking it with ease from all parts of the arc. . Vikas C played well as far as getting 9 point game to contribute to his teams effort. which simply outscored the other teams leaders being, Maxi M who ended up with an efficient 6 points together as they go down in this matchup. , Ryan A scored well with 4 points helping out with the teams offensive load. Dunkings bouncing back after last seasons finals loss, with some new troops its time to get busy!

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BD Ballers
CAM 22 Zen HR 11
flaming anteaters
James T 19 Jarrod B 9
wet dream team
Charlie H 21 Josh M 13
Average Joes
Dan M & Peter 12 Brenton D 9
Ken & Friends
BJ Taco 21 Dez 12
double dribble
Mitch W 16 4 Adam M 12
Aaron J 15 Jack H 13
The Battiers
Paddy F 24 3 Will D 7
Slam Danks
Christian A 16 Lloyd 13 & M Maurer 13
the process
Danny B 12 Mitch N 10

Div 2

Adam R 24 Sam J 8
Jarrod F 15 Dan C 6
Sam B 17 Vikas C 9
dont expect much
Maxi M 6 Ryan A 4

Div 2