MONDAY S4…Round 12…..Teams want every W, ladder switches again!

Andy King Monday Mens

Shaqtin’ a Fools shot the lights out against a helpless Warriors in a clinic, taking advantage of lesser defensive matchup. Lachy CR was unconscious and had no remorse for the defense piling in 20 points consisting mainly of 3s with some tidy finishes also. Elliot J was heating up as he bagged 19 points worth of buckets in the win. whilst on the other team, Cal A scored well with 11 points on the sheet , Brad E helped out with the load getting 6 point game this time around. Riding in number 1 spot, they take care of the Warriors and send them back to the training gym to get some muscle for next match with the defending champs

Monstars had its sights set on Dellys Disciples who took another loss sliding a little further in rank on the ladder. Aaron J channelled Kobe and wanted the win this time, getting 22 points to ensure they get the win this round. Oscar S scored well with 18 points to get over the line. Despite a good effort by the other team as Jordan P getting stats from everywhere including 15 points but that wasnt enough to get his team over the line this time. Fin S pitched in to add to the score with, 12 points but a loss unfortunately . DEllys just short on this one only 6 points in it, Monstars escape the clutches of Dellys despit ea bad start…

The Battiers knew what they had to do against Wet dream team undermanned but pumped up for the challenge. Paddy F , a huge huge night with a rarely seen display, possible UBL career high! 30 points to ensure they get the win this round to lead to victory. Which for this game outshines the effort of, Adam K who ended up with an efficient 12 points in the loss , Callum C played well as far as getting 8 point performance. Battiers surging well and climbing the ladder and holding off most of the teams behind their slashing and offensive reounding abilities, Wet dream teams streak ends and they lpok for a new one!

Div 2 was teeming with talent and the matchups were all super close! 1- 2 buckets!

The Process was waiting to face Average joes and was victorious this round, thanks to some players putting in work. Luke A who finished the game with a commendable 22 points to ensure they get the win this round. Wayne J was stroking it with ease from all parts of the arc. 10 points on the sheet even though from the other team, Andrew let it fly and hit more than missed with 21 points, needing a few more to scrape the W. Pete helped out with the load getting 11 points as he pitched in to add to the score. Big win for Process on the championship team of recent past, a good matchup and many players going to battle 1v1 in some nice plays.great game!

Ken & Friends had its sights set on Double Dribble and treated it like a playoff game Dez focussed on the W, summoned his hustle to put in work for 21 points getting some good passes to help with some easy buckets. Dan B played well as far as getting 9 points on the sheet the only resistance coming from, Daz scored well but it wasnt enough as he notched 21 points together as they go down in this matchup. Jayke pitched in to add to the score with, 18 points in the loss . Double dribble just short free throws at the end despite a great catchup and super hustle to get there, Ken and friends escape with a win! Dez confident and puts in the even high score with DazAny kind of cialis doctor MRI makes high-resolution thoughts about vertebral cells like the spine as well as intervertebral vertebrae. If a 30 year old man feels failure in the bed, wrong lifestyle, sleep difficulties, unhealthy eating and levitra without prescription relationship issues may be linked with the problem. sales viagra When you think of medicine you are going to take are safe enough for you and then go for the treatment. The platelets which enter the bloodstream from the marrow have a circulating life of about ten days. bought that levitra uk

Div 3 had 2 games going down to some short score gaps and big plays!

Dunkings knew what to expect when they faced Flaming Anteeaters in a loud and hectic game keeping refs active and players tense. Ivan C let it fly and hit more than missed with 14 big ones to conlclude the mission . Vikas C also helped out in the win with 12 points in this game. Whilst on the other team, James T going to work down low in the blender. 10 points, needing a few more to scrape the W. Ryan G played well as far as getting 8 points as he pitched in to add to the score. Dunkings solid and keep their spot on the ladder against the former champs, the inside out effective against he fast breaking Anteaters, this time unlucky and get the L.

BezzNation went back and worth but held the lead most of the game against Dont Expect Much and went back to the locker room with a solid Win. Adam R felt it was time to step up and got 12 points to lead all scorers and get the win . Nick T helped out with the load getting 8 points to end his game which simply outscored the other teams leaders being, An P couldnt miss much as he led his team with 15 points but a loss unfortunately , Maxi M played well as far as getting 10 points helping out with the teams offensive load. Final game for DEM and they take the L keeping them hungry for a return to greatness, Bess Nation gets it done in a low scoring game as the structure was dynamic and ever changing…good luck DEM! 

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Division 1

The Battiers
Paddy F 30
wet dream team
Adam K 12 Callum C 8
Aaron J 22 Oscar S 18
dellys disciples
Jordan P 15 Fin S 12
shaqtin' a fools
Lachy Cr 20 Elliot J 19
Cal A 11 Brad E 6

Division 2

BD Ballers
The Cubs
the process
Luke A 22 Wayne J 10
Average Joes
Andrew 21 Pete 11
Ken & Friends
Dez 21 Dan B 9
double dribble
Daz 21 Jayke Z 18

Division 3

Ivan C 14 Vikas C 12
Flaming Anteaters
James T 10 Ryan G 8
Adam R 12 Nick T 8
Don’t Expect Much
An P 15 Maxi M 10