MONDAY S4…Round 16! 1 round left! playoffs matchups almost set!

Andy King Monday Mens

Shaqtin’ a Fools had its sights set on Dellys Disciples in a game that started close but ended one sided. Lachy CR was unconscious and had no remorse for the defense piling in 25 points to get over the line. Brynn 16 Jai R played well as far as getting 16 points worth of buckets in the win. whilst on the other team, Zac S felt it was time to step up and got 20 points on the sheet , Toby S had his back with a 10 point game this time around. Un defeated and looking for a perfect season its looking like it could happen for Shaqtn a fools, DEllys close to start but ran out of extra plays that Shaqtn had plenty of..

Wet dream team shot the lights out against a helpless Monstars underestimated the accuracy of their opponent and copped a loss for it Josh M Snapping the wrist to perfection finding the bottom of the net for 17 points to lead to victory. Adam K pushed the fast break and trasnsition offense resulting in 16 points to get over the line. Despite a good effort by the other team as Jack H getting stats from everywhere including 12 points as he was operating in automatic mode , Oscar S. 11 Tim pitched in to add to the score with, 11 points as he played his role well and got buckets. Wet Dream team getting a good win on the strong Monstars squad, going into the playoffs itl matter who get the last win in the season series for that mental edge!

The Battiers ,right out of the gates, jumped on the Warriors undermanned but pumped up for the challenge. Paddy F led all scorers on a solid 22 points which was required to keep up in this hectic game. Will D also helped out in the win with 20 points to his name as he helps lead the boys to a much needed win. Which for this game outshines the effort of, Jade K kept his eye on the hoop and ended up with 12 points stroking it with ease from all parts of the arc. Ash G played well as far as getting 6 points getting some good passes to help with some easy buckets. Battiers sitting in 2nd and getting this one won in a convincing way as warriors look for the last glimmer of hope to get some momentum before playoffs hits..

Div2 was on fire with some close and blowout games…

Average joes got a good win on the The Cubs but too many lost posessions resulted in a loss to their foes Andrew played well as far as getting 19 big ones to conlclude the mission . Jed P weaved through the zone D with some nice footwork finishing on 16 points on the sheet even though from the other team, Nathan C kept his average up there for the season with a nice 15 points which was required to keep up in this hectic game. Jethro S helped out with the load getting 14 points as he pitched in to add to the score. Av Joes a good win on a strong Cubs crew that take care of the paint on both ends but couldn’t stop the hook shots and threes from deep, Dan M hitting some pivotal shots to gap the score.

Double Dribble were pumped to be playing The Process however the basketball gods werent on their side. Jayke Z channelled Kobe and wanted the win this time, getting 27 points to show hes got some skills to be respected. . Matt G also helped out in the win with 11 points on the sheet the only resistance coming from, Luke A played well as far as getting 20 points which was required to keep up in this hectic game. , Wayne J helped out with the load getting 14 points in the loss . Process getting the jump on the undermanned Double Dribble who balled hard getting some nice buckets against a bigger team, Process get the W in the end as they push their way to the end of the season.One of the generic cialis online huge reasons for the males to get affected due to such high in calorie food taken. Thus, medication should be taken under the viagra australia price guidance of a tutor. Side – effects The medicine is a FDA approved product and hence requires no worries prior to usage as the product is made up of precious ingredients, such as: Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha), Asparagus Racemosus (Shatavari),Asphaltum Punjabinum (Shudh Shilajit), Hypoxis Orchioides (Musli Safed), Saffron (Kesar) Phyllanthus emblica (amla), Ferrum (Lauh Bhasma), Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Mulethi), Gold Thread (Swarnapatra). buy viagra online Unfortunately, only about seven percent of Americans consume the right amount of supplements through foods on a daily basis. have a peek at these guys viagra sale canada

BD Ballers had its work cut out against Ken & Friends who werent ready for them this game. Cam B led all scorers on a solid 28 points to ensure they get the win this round. Zen HR also helped out in the win with 5 points in this game. Whilst on the other team, Dan B kept his eye on the hoop and ended up with 18 points, needing a few more to scrape the W. Andy K played well as far as getting 9 points as he pitched in to add to the score. Ken and Friends slip to 2nd with BD Ballers with this loss on BD who had the jump on this crew with more outside shots forcing the action especially from Cam B…the ladder ranks switch and will again next week!

DIv 3 had some pivotal matchups that changed how things may look come playoff times as their strategies are put to the test.

BezzNation knew what they had to do against Dunkings and pushed it all the way to the end. Adam R was heating up as he bagged 15 points in the matchup that couldve gone either way. Sam J 13 Nick T had his ducks in a line with a great game on 13 points to end his game which simply outscored the other teams leaders being, Vikas C scored well with 8 points from all over the court. Ivan C was feeling good with 7 points helping out with the teams offensive load. Bezz taking it to the hole and putting work in to outplay the Dunkings crew who have been patchy with the shooting lately, the execution not on this time…Dunkings still 1st!

North Gong Urchins got a good win on the Flaming Anteeaters in a physical matchup that will set the tone for next time. Clive C let it fly and hit more than missed with 19 points to lead all scorers and get the win James B also helped out in the win with 17 points to get over the line. simply out working the other scorers being, James T had a pretty good game scoring wise with 8 point game to contribute to his teams effort. Josh B was feeling good with 5 points in the loss . Urchins too strong inside and out as Anteaters had it going on the slash but not enough on the 3 this time to keep the game in range, Urchins take the W with 1 game left!

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Division 1

wet dream team
Josh M 17 Adam K 16
Jack H 12 Oscar S. 11 Tim 11
shaqtin' a fools
Lachy CR 25 Brynn 16 Jai R 16
dellys disciples
Zac S 20 Toby S 10
The Battiers
Paddy F 22 Will D 20
Jade K 12 Ash G 6

Division 2

Average Joes
Andrew 19 Jed P 16
The Cubs
Nathan C 15 Jethro S 14
BD Ballers
Cam B 28 Zen HR 5
Ken & Friends
Dan B 18 Andy K 9
the process
Luke A 20 Wayne J 14
double dribble
Jayke Z 27 Matt G 11

Division 3

north gong urchins
Flaming Anteaters
Vikas C 8 Ivan C 7