UBL MONDAYs Season 6! Round 2 action hits the hardwood! close games, catch up close outs, Dubs!

Andy King Monday Mens

Mondays still get hectic with the season up to Round 2, Now the divs are set and teams are feeling each other out to run their best tactics on each other, starting with Div 1!

Shaqtin’ a Fools kept their structure and managed a W, after being behind most of the game against Better on 2k in a grind of a game coming right down to the last few minutes to decide the winner. Elliot J getting stats from everywhere including 19 points to get over the line. . Jack H Snapping the wrist to perfection finding the bottom of the net for 16 points to ensure they get the win this round. whilst on the other team, Brooklyn A , a huge huge night with a rarely seen display, possible UBL career high! 29 points on the sheet , Connor T scored well but it wasnt enough as he notched 6 points together as they go down in this matchup. Close call for the regular season undefeated Shaqtn a fools who were chasing the lead the whole game until the last quarter of the game, Jack H and Elliot getting enough to go in to try and keep up with Brooklyns Epic night, this cat couldn’t be stopped as he locked onto the ring for 9 3s! huge huge game for him and one of the most threes hit on the Monday night! Baller effort, but the consistent Shaqtn a Fools kept it going and won on a mix of offensive sets…

Div 2 was stacked with close games and some games that turned one sided by the end!

The Bandicoots liked the matchup with Dunkings in a physical matchup that will set the tone for next time. James C the recipient of some nice extra passes for open shots getting him 18 points to shut the defense down. . Andy getting some fadeaways to fall to contribute to the result with 14 points, a much needed performance as they won the scoring matchup against the other teams leading man. Despite a good effort by the other team as Ivan C let it fly and hit more than missed with 16 points recorded by the bench , Jonathan C was feeling good with 11 points helping out with the teams offensive load. Bandicoots looking like they leveled up, with some skilled up players to compliment their already well put together crew, Dunkings hit some big shots, but not as many and weren’t able to overcome the initial lead the Bandicoots took, next time Dunking!

Double Dribble took the game second half from the Thicc Boiis , who underestimated the hustle of their opponent and copped a loss for it Adam M got the game high in points outscoring everyone with 12 points to lead to victory. . Sam C pitched in to add to the score with, 7 points worth of buckets in the win. Which for this game outshines the effort of, Ryan M weaved through the zone D with some nice footwork finishing on 9 points worth of buckets in the loss.. , Jacob ended up with an efficient 8 points on the sheet . Double Dribble all class as they took the Thick Bois down, even though Thick Bois seemed to have some momentum in the game, the DD crew just had too much going in this night, Thic Bois with some amazing plays and hard buckets, but take the L!

Foreplayers started strong and got the jump on the new team Chiefs and set the tone from the start, big mentions to the performers in this game. Ethan 19 & James was unconscious and had no remorse for the defense piling in 19 points in the big dominating victory. . Tye M had a pretty good game scoring wise with 15 points to get over the line. but on the other side Matt H felt it was time to step up and got 12 points as he was operating in automatic mode , Campbell D got to good spots on the court and shot well with 5 points together as they go down in this matchup. . Level 11 is reached, Foreplayers have some extras now that could see them shift the tables on the whole Div! Welcome to the Chiefs! Keeping up the pace most game but just a little rusty on the buckets…They can only get better from here! Watch out Div 2!

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Div 3, in all its glory, straight hustle, straight fire ,and straight down the court for a layup!

Orange Peelers had better offense than the defense of their opponent, LA BLobbers in a loud and hectic game keeping refs active and players tense. Omar N 9 & Amar M finished the game with a commendable 9 big ones to conlclude the mission . Will pulling in much needed offensive rebounds as well as 8 points on the sheet even though from the other team, Dimitri S had his ducks in a line with a great game on 12 points but a loss unfortunately , M Vesta kept his eye on the hoop and ended up with 11 points helping out with the teams offensive load. .Peelers having a few seasons unde their belt meant all the difference this time, as LA blobbers pushed their fast break well, LA Blobbers just short of the mark but they are starting to swing with the bigger teams and can only improve from here with thei hustle and intensity! Nice game bois!!

Unanderra 26ers took the game second half from the Calderwood Canaries and went back to the locker room with a solid Win. Harry S couldnt miss much as he led his team with 23 points which was required to keep up in this hectic game. . Jarrod N felt it was time to step up and got 6 points worth of buckets in the win. the only resistance coming from, Trent F getting stats from everywhere including 22 points as he played his role well and got buckets. , Ken N helped out with the load getting 11 points but a loss unfortunately . 26ers juuuust scraping the win out as the Canaries weren’t able to hit on some consectuve shots mid game meaning all the difference in the end, harry beasting the boards inside and out, Canaries went back to their cage to east some bird seed and think about what went wrong!

ONE FOUR Veterans wins a resounding victory over the unlucky Average Joes in a clinic, taking advantage of lesser defensive matchup. Jacob Y focussed on the W, summoned his hustle to put in work for 15 points to ensure they get the win this round. . Jackson P 10 & Kye E had a pretty good game scoring wise with 10 points in this game. Whilst on the other team, Scott scored well but it wasnt enough as he notched 10 points but a loss unfortunately , James W played well as far as getting 8 points as he pitched in to add to the score. . One four getting a great win on the unlucky Av Joes who were scoring well but not agetting as many 3s as ONE4…and in the end theat was the brack breaker, AV joes dump a game! And Veterans take the W!

Stay tuned, the season is heating up!

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Division 1

shaqtin' a fools
Elliot J 19 Jack H 16
better on 2k
Brooklyn A 29 (9x3s) Connor T 6
dellys disciples
The Mortys

Division 2

double dribble
Adam M 12 Sam C 7
thicc bois
Ryan M 9 Jacob 8
the bandicoots
James C 18 Andy 14
Ivan C 16 Jonathan C 11
Ethan 19 & James 19 Tye M 15
Matt H 12 Campbell D 5

Division 3

orange peelers
Omar N 9 & Amar M 9 Will 8
la blobbers
Dimitri S 12 M Vesta 11
Unanderra 26ers
Harry S 23 Jarrod N 6
calderwood canaries
Trent F 22 Ken N 11
one four veterans
Jacob Y 15 Jackson P 10 & Kye E 10
Average Joes
Scott 10 James W 8