UBL SaturdayUBL Saturday Round 14! Big teams take a hit.. Big Div2 scoring!18/10/2016 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayUBL Saturday Round 13! Back to Ballin! Home stretch!13/10/2016 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayUBL Saturday Round 13! Pre Labor day break, see what unfolds!05/10/2016 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayUBL Saturday Round 11! battle for the courts ensues! Check out the run!21/09/2016 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayUBL Saturday Round 10! Switch ups! underdog teams get wins!14/09/2016 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayUBL Saturday Round 9! Ladder climb continues!05/09/2016 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayUBL Saturday Round 8! Approaching div switch…whos game?30/08/2016 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayUBL Saturday Round 7! Buckets, thats what gets the W, ladder gets tight…26/08/2016 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayUBL Saturday Round 6, Welcome M.I.C, teams hustlin!20/08/2016 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayUBL Saturday Round 5, Has Beanz #1 in Div1, Div 2 tied for 1st!08/08/2016 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats