UBL SaturdayRound 12 URAC…rankings spread, teams push tempo!15/10/2015 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayRound 11! URAC heats up as shots fly! MIB clutch!09/10/2015 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayRound 10! Jackiemoons suprise champs, & Div 2 upsets!23/09/2015 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayRound 9, Div Shift in effect, teams hustle!14/09/2015 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
UBL SaturdayR8 Double points!! URAC Ballers step up to get a jump!11/09/2015 | Andy KingNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
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UBL SaturdayUBL Round 7! Double points next week, Div swap follows!02/09/2015 | UBL AdminNo excerpt...Full recap, highlights and stats
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