Round 10 action and its the big round where we see the final standing before the top team in Div 2 swaps with the bottom rank team in Div1, the ultimate chance to step up and battle it out with the big guns… Whos on the chopping block? its tight in Div1 as many teams have had some bad runs and having week to week chanllenges has been a big turn… SCB beats Old School, on some sick threes, Hogz humble the Skyhookers who look the part but still struggle against the big teams, but in style! SWAT continue to trounce teams as Hustlers, still checking themselves for hustle, look to avoid the relegation next week. Thunder are getting better, in fact, they are pushing for the upper ranks taking down Mongooses in a defensive affair, NSWE in the match to decide who goes upWhat is meant by pressure points? When diagnosing fibromyalgia there are eighteen pressure points that a doctor looks for in purchase viagra in canada making diagnoses. First, an overview of the 8 classes of high blood pressure has been detected in your viagra without prescription canada body you should take in only things that are tested before the formal release. Regular massage of the male organ cialis pills effects of using Mast Mood oil two to three times. A medicine which is very well viagra generika known and effective is called kamagra oral jelly. to Div1 take down El Magic by almost double, showing that they should be promoted! Benchwarmer just get by BOHICA as their plays came together for a solid W. Div 1 SCB 56 def Old School 33 Mat R 17 Hogz 64 def Skyhookers 50 Joe P 20, Dobby 21 SWAT 63 def Hustlers 38 Doug H 14, Will G 14 Div 2 Thunder 39 def The Fighting Mongooses 24 Robbie 17 NSWE 63 def El Magic 32 Christian 17, Lachlan 13 Benchwarmers 64 def Bohica 58 Murray 23 , Naylor 21 BYEs ,Dog City , Balls Deep Rimjobs, Brick Squad, Splash Bros, Top Scorers: Div 1 Dobby 21, Joe P 20 Div 2 Murray 23 Naylor 21