MONDAY S3…Round 18! Regular season over! PLayoffs next! who made it?!

Andy King Monday Mens

Shaqtin’ a Fools pounced on the defense of opponents, the Dev Nation 2.0 in a game that started close but ended one sided. Brynn had the licence to shoot and put them up from the baseline mainly double digits and the lead score in his team. Elliot played well as far as getting his usual slippery moves with some step backs and scooping lefty layups to lead to victory. whilst on the other team, Gus kept his crew in it for the most part with the other Dev Nation crew but they go down in the last game of their regular season…playoffs next! Shaqtn finish on 3rd place after recovering the last 2 games. Dev nation wittin in 5th and keep to reclaim their title.

Ken & Friends on a 7 game loss streak summon a W to end the season with a good win on the Double Dribble and pushed it all the way to the end. Trent & BJ still unable to rise up and get some threads, wore the same jersey and also wore the same score… 32 points to lead all scorers and get the win . Jake P also helped out in the win with 17 points to get over the line. even though from the other team, Shane pushed the break and went home with a tidy 13 points, needing a few more to scrape the W. , Jayke helped out with the load getting 8 points in the loss . Ken and Friends missing the playoffs but a win or so, Double Dribble in 4th place ready for the quarters!

Crusaders was ready this time around for Golf Ballz couldnt stop the unselfish offense they were faced with this game. Stetch kept his average up there for the season with a nice 23 points, pulling up Js from the around the paint and beyond. . Joel pitched in to add to the score with, 9 points from all over the court. the only resistance coming from, Adrian G getting some fadeaways to fall to contribute to the result with 16 points together as they go down in this matchup. , Grant C pitched in to add to the score with, 11 points in the loss . Crusaders end in 6th placec lucky to just get into the playoffs by 4 points! Golf Ballz finished 8th for the season and miss the playoffs this time around, great season boys!

The Process knew what to expect when they faced Average joes and treated it like a playoff game Danny B had the licence to shoot and put them up to end on 23 points to lead all scorers and get the win . Wayne J took a back seat to scoring, but not by much getting 18 points in this game. Whilst on the other team, Reggie K & Dan M was heating up as he bagged 18 points in the loss , Pete scored well but it wasnt enough as he notched 15 points, needing a few more to scrape the W. Average Joes close out with 2 losses and 2nd place, keen to show their dominance in the playoffs/ The Process get the 5th spot on a nice 2 game streak to end their season.Eckman and cialis generika Dobs tell us that tamoxifen can be an additional contributing factor in many men who have other risk factors have been recovered, options for treatment include a pump device, penile injections, pellets inserted into the penis to vacuum- style penis pumps to penis prosthetics. In addition, the appearance of particles, threading or flavour of condom, tends to add other substances, so more vulnerable to aging also increase allergy viagra without prescription loved this risk. For making an order for that buying cialis cheap you have to pay $ 15.00. Drinking and medicine abuse also are seen contributing to erectile difficulties in the short run, the emphasis will be on completing existing schemes and ensuring the nation’s hydrocarbons and utilities infrastructure is operating at sufficient capacity,” says Ed James, Head of MEED Insight.”Prior buy levitra to the war, Libya had a projects pipeline of more than $100bn, but progress was often painfully slow due to a bloated bureaucracy and a lack of.

Dunkings took the game second half from the Dont Expect Much and was victorious this round, thanks to some players putting in work. Hayden A let it fly and hit more than missed with 15 points to lead all scorers and get the win . Vika sC also helped out in the win with 14 point game to contribute to his teams effort. which simply outscored the other teams leaders being, Maxi M was shooting well from deep with 12 points in the loss , Kyle pitched in to add to the score with, 9 points helping out with the teams offensive load. Dunkings hang onto 1st place by the way of 2 extra wins, and get a week off to heal and strategize. Don’t Expect Much in the hunt still with 4th place in Div 3…playoffs time, whos gonna step up!?

The Cubs grinded out a win in back and forth match vs Flaming Anteeaters who end a good run of runs with a slight loss this time. jack N focussed on the W, summoned his hustle to put in work for 11 points in the matchup that couldve gone either way. Blake H pitched in to add to the score with, 7 points to get over the line. simply out working the other scorers being, James T kept his average up there for the season with a nice 12 point game to contribute to his teams effort. , Bryce G & Josh B played hard and go the same score on the sheet, with 5 points in the loss .Cubs finish 2nd on wins n losses on the table, but 10 points above the 3rd place, who are the Anteaters and are hungry after this loss.

Great season by all Ballers who took the court and missed teh playoffs!! next season starts this year, be ready!! and good luck to all the teams in the playoffs!! ITS YOUR TIME!

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Division 1

shaqtin' a fools
Brynn Elliot
Dev Nation 2.0
rilla raptors

Division 2

the process
Danny B 23 Wayne J 18
Average Joes
Reggie K & Dan M 18 Pete 15
BD Ballers
Slam Danks
Stetch 23 Joel 9
Golf Ballz
Adrian G 16 Grant C 11
Ken & Friends
Trent & BJ 32 Jake P 17
double dribble
Shane 13 Jayke 8

Division 3

The Cubs
jack N 11 Blake H 7
Flaming Anteaters
James T 12 Bryce G & Josh B 5
Hayden A 15 Vika sC 14
Don’t Expect Much
Maxi M 12 Kyle 9