Dellys Disciples took the game second half from the Wet dream team in a game that started close but ended one sided. Toby S pushed the fast break and trasnsition offense resulting in 17 points to get over the line. Zac S going to work down low in the blender. 13 points worth of buckets in the win. whilst on the other team, Adam K led all scorers on a solid 21 points on the sheet , Callum C had his back with a 10 point game this time around. DEllys snatch a win and sit in 5th place as they go down this time against the 4th place WET dream team, a good match with Adam beasting down low but the fast pace and quick offense of DEllys overcame them this time..
Shaqtin’ a Fools pounced on the defense of opponents, the The Battiers who always bring their game. lachy CR pushed the fast break and trasnsition offense resulting in 20 points which was required to keep up in this hectic game. Anf N was stroking it with ease from all parts of the arc. 15 points to get over the line. Despite a good effort by the other team as paddy F getting stats from everywhere including 15 points as he was operating in automatic mode , Will D pitched in to add to the score with, 12 points whilst setting up his teammates to pile in the points. Shaqtn still untouched, Battiers weren’t ablet o match up with the outside shott, Anf dropping 5 threes on great efficiency to close the deal, Battiers in 2nd place, Shatqn still 1st.
Monstars were pumped to be playing Warriors who took another loss sliding a little further in rank on the ladder. Tim S pulling up Js from the around the paint and beyond resulting in 12 points worth of buckets in the loss. Kevin J had his back with a 10 points, needing a few more to scrape the W. Which for this game outshines the effort of, Del felt it was time to step up and got 10 points worth of buckets in the win. Richie 4, Luke played well as far as getting 4 points getting some good passes to help with some easy buckets. Monstars get a win on Warriors who slip again. The shared offense of Monstars keeping all players getting some buckets from everywhere.. Warriors weren’t able to put a run together this time…
Div 2 is getting very close, the ladder only a few games apart rankwise, its anyones run now…
BD Ballers werent going to stand down against Average joes and treated it like a playoff game Cam B led all scorers on a solid 30 big ones to conlclude the mission . Zen HR who finished the game with a commendable 16 points on the sheet even though from the other team, Dan M who ended up with an efficient 23 points hitting some ridiculous shots. Connor helped out with the load getting 14 points as he pitched in to add to the score. BD had Cam firing at will and making enough to get the job done on a 30 points night for him, Av Joes had Dan M answering ever shot with some nice range but the basketball gods gave them an L this time, Will M getting some court time switching in to try and save the game! BD got em this time.
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Ken & Friends pounced on the defense of opponents, the The Process who werent ready for them this game. Trent F led all scorers on a solid 26 points to ensure they get the win this round. Dan B also helped out in the win with 12 points in this game. Whilst on the other team, Wayne J felt it was time to step up and got 9 points, needing a few more to scrape the W. Danny B played well as far as getting 8 points as he pitched in to add to the score. . Process snap their 6 game win streak, and the top of the table clash is over. Ken and Friends swiping 1st place back with this win, a pivotal win!
The Cubs went back and worth but held the lead most of the game against Double Dribble in a physical matchup that will set the tone for next time. Jethro S beasted hard this game finishing on a great 24 points which was required to keep up in this hectic game. Nathan C had his ducks in a line with a great game on 6 points to end his game which simply outscored the other teams leaders being, Adam M & Alvin combined jersey numbers and scores to put in 11 points worth of buckets in the win. Shane S was feeling good with 6 points helping out with the teams offensive load. Cubs playigna physical game getting behind their bigs as Jethro carried the team with a beast game that Double Dribble were just short on, an unlucky break, Cubs first win in Div 2!
DIv 3 had a few games that would test the teams and prep them for their final round robin this season..
Flaming Anteeaters gets the W in a much needed and hard fought versus Dunkings underestimated the defence of their opponent and copped a loss for it James T got the game high in points outscoring everyone with 22 points to show hes got some skills to be respected. Jarrod B also helped out in the win with 6 points on the sheet the only resistance coming from, Sam B played well as far as getting 14 points together as they go down in this matchup. Ivan C helped out with the load getting 7 points in the loss . Anteaters take their old rivals on the court and the matchups were a big fof as the blender got a working from James and the outside shots weren’t doin their thing for Dunkings, a good match, playoffs tickets will sellout for this one!
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