The All Sorts are looking to push their streak out as they resume their winning ways against the Cavaliers still looking for their main squad to step up and push the orange power back into their game, Jacinta taking names with 17 points, Mark C maxing out to help the effort despite Antheas sweet 16.
Squirrels cruise as they notch a win on FAB who are about to bolster their crew with some small ball action. Antonia doing her best to keep the score close only to fall to the always massive effort from Dyl and Alyssa sharing the bulk of the scoring..
Please ensure ALL players that play for your teams are signed off on your team register, if players are not on the sheet, teams may lose competition point, please see UBL officials on the night if you have any extra players.Share this Post
The All Sorts
JacintaY 17 MarkC 15Cavaliers
Anthea 16 Tom L 11SQUIRRELS
Elyssa 10 Dyl S 9fab
Antonia 8