Round 9, SWAG strut on and dominate again, Cavs too!

UBL Admin Thursday Mens

The SWAG crew took down FAB who have picked up some great players now they need to gel for the next few games as new challenges await!

Cavaliers put on a show as Anthea lets loose with a huge 22 points, not taking any prisoners on the way to the bucket, she just cant be stopped, can you contain her? Squirells always on the hustle got some break plays only to fall short on the fast break as the orange cavs streaked!
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UBL welcomes 2 new teams! Hepatitis Hipsters & Abusement Park! make them feel welcome as we run 2 8pm games now to fit whilst we sort some venue and schedule issues out. stay tuned for some updates..

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Elyssa 8 Dyl 11
Anthea 22 Tom L 15
Matt S 11 Kellee 8
Bridget M 18 Sas Vincent 10