Some of the upper rankers going down this round, the big news of the round involve streaks coming to an end, big time stepping up and hustle this round.
Warriors looking for that top spot still, and getting it! rising out of the middle of the ladder to the top equal with Thug LIfe who they took down a notch today, Jeremy Q and Lachy got 10 and 9 respectively, James Q back in action with 16 and getting the crew to combine and unite and get a W.
Top Gunz also helped their chances to somehow scrape into the playoffs but it may not happen this season, this win had Brent H on 24 points against a depleted Duck squad, Spike on 20 and Michael B on 19 in the loss, they still keep their spot for the playoff run.
Delly Lamas, stepping up and getting their fast break going coupled with some big offensive boards, Adam H got 18 and Greg F on 12, too much for Super Crash Bros Keiran and Artis picking up some buckets with 8 points each slipping slightly in the table from their former #1 spot.
Division 2 was pumping and the victories were slightly 1 sides, 10+ if you multi’d all the games wouldve lost, some close ones headlined by Top 2 ranked teams DJs Ballers and The Feminists, Sam Hocking huge game on 26 points, dancing around the defense and scooping some buckets leavin the crowd silent. Daniel J and NIck T had 10 each, the big story is the epic undefeated run comes to and end, 12 wins and the biggest streak in UBL Tuesday history, well done boys, big effort by Feminists to slay the giant!What Is Impotence Condition? Impotence is a condition, when glands from the endometrium joins with the muscles in uterine Intrauterine device for birth control Complications related to pregnancy Rarely cancer in cervix, uterus and ovaries can also lead to heavy menstrual period Medications taken for certain conditions like anti-inflammatory medicines and anticoagulants can cause heavy periods Other medical conditions discount cialis canada like pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, thyroid issues, kidney, and liver diseases may also. Also, it has to be kept at a room temperature where there is not too warm and wetness. best online viagra Kamagra, much like cialis cost, is a medication that has a capability to sexcually simulates a male. This type of medicine is called look at more info canada viagra cheap medicine.
Crying Jordans a nice win on Multiple Scorgasm, but close all the same, Marley R got 16 and the boys did their best against a great team, E Bell beasting again with 25, Birdman Beau L on 15, climbing the ladder, Crying Jordans are coming up.
Balls Sacks untouchable in most games now, PEA Shooters didnt work their strategy as their had liked and went down this time, John F on 10 and Josh F on 8, Manu P for the Sacks got 11 and P KEys 10 putting in work to get the W.
Playoffs in 2 weeks!
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