UBL MONDAYs Season 6! Round 12! Late game runs! top spots up for grabs!

Andy King Monday Mens

DIv 1 saw the 4 best battle again and this time some shaky starts made for a a solid game, but the favorites overcame and the results were worth checking into.

Shaqtin’ a Fools was ready this time around for The Bandicoots undermanned but pumped up for the challenge. Elliot J , a huge huge night with a rarely seen display, possible UBL career high! 36 points to ensure they get the win this round. . Brynn Snapping the wrist to perfection finding the bottom of the net for 10 points to his name as he helps lead the boys to a much needed win. whilst on the other team, Darcy R slotted in some 3s with some tidy finishes also to get 19 points on the sheet , James C scores well but it wasnt enough as he notched 10 points together as they go down in this matchup. Shaqtn still undefeated in the div as they get this one done no the HUGE back of Elliot J who dropped a Harden-esque 36 points to shock the Bandicoots home crowd, as he silences the critics with a highly efficient game that rattles the Bandicoots. Bandicoots in 3rd and are hanging for the next few weeks as they work out the kinks in their line up missing Angus who isn’t far off making a return…

Better on 2k took the game second half from the Dellys Disciples in a game that started close but ended one sided. Brooklyn & Jakiah wore the same jersey and also wore the same score…a 20 points to shut the defense down. . Jezza B also helped out in the win with 18 points, a much needed performance as they won the scoring matchup against the other teams leading man. Despite a good effort by the other team as Toby S points from slashing and finding the gaps in the zone D. 17 points recorded by the bench , Jack M just too much experience shooting the 3 with 11 points helping out with the teams offensive load. . 2k putting a cheat code in 2nd half and scoring in bunches burying the Dellys crew who kept up the pace with some big threes and mid range Js but they cop the 4th spot for now and 2k in 2nd.

DIv 2 had some nail biters and some physical rivalries, the ballers put up some big moves and big scores to get us the results that shifted the ladder big time!

Thicc Boiis Traded buckets most game, but kept a nice buffer all game to close it out vs Double Dribble , who underestimated the hustle of their opponent and copped a loss for it Jacob T was stroking it with ease from all parts of the arc. 17 points to lead to victory. . Peter F pitched in to add to the score with, 5 points worth of buckets in the win. Which for this game outshines the effort of, Shayne R with an epic performance and great score of 12 points worth of buckets in the loss.. , Grant O scored well but it wasnt enough as he notched 6 points on the sheet . Thicc Bois thick on the offense and thick on the glass as the bigs got to work and put up the 2nd chance points. Double Dribble has its 5 game winning streak busted tonight! The rank switched up as Thic bois take 1st place and DD drop to 2nd but only by a point, its anyones game!

Foreplayers Traded buckets most game, but kept a nice buffer all game to close it out vs Yorkies Corner and was able to get the much needed win. Christian D couldnt miss much as he led his team with 12 points in the big dominating victory. . Ryan N had his ducks in a line with a great game on 11 points to get over the line. but on the other side Dan H got the game high in points outscoring everyone with 15 points as he was operating in automatic mode , Nick S got to good spots on the court and shot well with 13 points together as they go down in this matchup. . Foreplayers copping a win but also a long as one of their leading scorers go down to injury but just got by in the end by a hair as Yorkies are unlucky again by a bucket or 2, they still look for their first win as they keep getting their unlucky run extended…

DIv 3 was rockin with the teams from the div switch taking on some of the foundation div 3 teams that were ready for the war ahead…results varied!

Orange Peelers had its sights set on Chiefs and was able to get the much needed win. Omar N got the game high in points outscoring everyone with 20 big ones to conlclude the mission . Will focussed on the W, summoned his hustle to put in work for 6 points on the sheet even though from the other team, Campbell F beasted hard this game finishing on a great 12 points but a loss unfortunately , Brandon 6 & Callum just too much experience shooting the 3 with 6 points helping out with the teams offensive load. Orange Peelers taking the win and keeping th crowd in their favour as every bucket was applauded which pushed the boys on, Chiefs were great in spurts but could handle the answer backs threes as Omar piled in some long range lead taking buckets…Peelers in 6th and have this win to build on, Chiefs in 3rd position primed for an attack on the upper ranks..Take a look at the potency of cialis side effects may not work well, the potency of viagra is very strong; it is for this case sold under the doctor’s prescription. If you thinking that takeing few drinks will aid you to relax and excite your sexual cialis uk http://appalachianmagazine.com/2017/04/15/my-east-tennessee-easter-traditions/ power, then this believe is a entirely wrong. Silagra is an oral viagra brand online treatment given to male to treat erectile problems. There could be some underlying physical or psychological disorder leading to the this pharmacy shop on sale now cialis properien failure of erection in men.

Dunkings got a good win on the ONE FOUR Veterans who took another loss sliding a little further in rank on the ladder. Ivan C was unconscious and had no remorse for the defense piling in 25 points to get over the line. . Jonathan Snapping the wrist to perfection finding the bottom of the net for 11 points worth of buckets in the win. the only resistance coming from, Jub Y had the licence to shoot and put them up to end on 15 points helping out with the teams offensive load. , Tyrell S 10 & Khy B scored well but it wasnt enough as he notched 10 points but a loss unfortunately . Dunkings on a tear getting a win in the div on the 5th place Veterans who hit some amazing shots that never should’ve gone in. But that wasn’t enough to stop the Blue crew from wreaking havoc on the Smaller veterans whos style complimented the small ball attack. Dunking mid table in 4th.

Calderwood Canaries started strong and got the jump on PRESTIGE WORLDWIDE and was victorious this round, thanks to some players putting in work. Trent focussed on the W, summoned his hustle to put in work for 12 points to ensure they get the win this round. . Ken N kept his average up there for the season with a nice 7 points in this game. Whilst on the other team, Jarod F got the game high in points outscoring everyone with 19 points but a loss unfortunately , Jonathan played well as far as getting 9 points as he pitched in to add to the score. .

Unanderra 26ers had better offense than the defense of their opponent, Average Joes , who underestimated the defence of their opponent and copped a loss for it Harry S just too much experience around the paint getting 18 points to get over the line. . Tim R 4 & Jarod played hard and got the same score on the sheet, with 4 points on the sheet which simply outscored the other teams leaders being, Scott T scored well but it wasnt enough as he notched 16 points recorded by the bench , Dan B 5 & Jimmy W was feeling good with 5 points helping out with the teams offensive load. .

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Division 1

shaqtin' a fools
Elliot J 36 Brynn 10
the bandicoots
Darcy R 19 James C 10
better on 2k
Brooklyn & Jakiah 20 Jezza B 18

Division 2

dellys disciples
Toby S 17 Jack M 11
thicc bois
Jacob T 17 Peter F 5
double dribble
Shayne R 12 Grant O 6
Christian D 12 Ryan N 11
Yorkies Corner
Dan H 15 Nick S 13

Division 3

Unanderra 26ers
Harry S 18 Tim R 4 & Jarod 4
Average Joes
Scott T 16 Dan B 5 & Jimmy W 5
orange peelers
Omar N 20 Will 6
Campbell F 12 Brandon 6 & Callum 6
Ivan C 25 Jonathan 11
one four veterans
Jub Y 15 Tyrell S 10 & Khy B 10
calderwood canaries
Trent 12 Ken N 7
Prestige Worldwide
Jarod F 19 Jonathan 9