UBL MONDAYs Season 6! Round 13! OT Nailbiter in Div 3! Div1 undefeated streak continues!

Andy King Monday Mens

Div 1 had some streaks on the line, some needed to break a bad losing streak and others had to keep their undefeated streak, and a big come back controlled win, the div is heating up!

The Bandicoots kept their structure and managed a W, after being behind most of the game against Dellys Disciples and was able to get the much needed win. Daniel B focussed on the W, summoned his hustle to put in work for 23 points to ensure they get the win this round. . Darcy R pushed the fast break and trasnsition offense resulting in 8 points to his name as he helps lead the boys to a much needed win. whilst on the other team, Jack M beasted hard this game finishing on a great 10 points on the sheet , Haydin K couldnt miss much as he led his team with 8 points together as they go down in this matchup. Bandicoots come back and win this one after looking at an L early game, but 2nd half the momentum just switched as the Bandicoots banded together and mae a run to finish in style, getting needed win as they hover in the lower ranks.

Shaqtin’ a Fools took the game second half from the Better on 2k , who underestimated the hustle of their opponent and copped a loss for it Elliot J got the game high in points outscoring everyone with 28 points to shut the defense down. . Nick J slotted in some 3s with some tidy finishes also to get 8 points, a much needed performance as they won the scoring matchup against the other teams leading man. Despite a good effort by the other team as Brooklyn A was unconscious and had no remorse for the defense piling in 15 points recorded by the bench , jake L getting some fadeaways to fall to contribute to the result with 14 points helping out with the teams offensive load. Better in 2k finally have their 5 game winning streak busted by the top rank Shaqtn whos 10 game winning streak is still intact but looked shaky this game as the youthful quickness of the 2k boys kept the pace 1st half, 2nd half Shaqtn found their shot and took the momentum all the way to a win!

DIv 2s games all started out close and ended almost the same way, both games were full of energy as the teams get ready for the 26ers to enter the Div having been undefeated in Div 3.

Double Dribble Traded buckets most game, but kept a nice buffer all game to close it out vs Foreplayers in a grind of a game coming right down to the last few minutes to decide the winner. Grant O getting stats from everywhere including 11 points to lead to victory. . Shane S pitched in to add to the score with, 6 points worth of buckets in the win. Which for this game outshines the effort of, Ryan N finished the game with a commendable 10 points worth of buckets in the loss.. , Chris M scored well but it wasnt enough as he notched 8 points on the sheet . Double dribble creeps ahead later in the game as they kept a slight edge most game, foreplayers getting some good buckets to go in transition but they weren’t in bunches, Double dribble has a few more threes which also got them the W and still in 2nd place Foreplayers in 3rd.

Thicc Boiis were pumped to be playing Yorkies Corner in a grind of a game coming right down to the last few minutes to decide the winner. Ryan M got the game high in points outscoring everyone with 10 points to his name as he helps lead the boys to a much needed win. . Shuq A scored well with 4 points on the sheet even though from the other team, Daniel H was feeling good with 4 points but a loss unfortunately , Caleb H finished the game with a commendable 4 points helping out with the teams offensive load. The highest defensive game of the year! With the two teams starting slow and finishing slow too, the pace was quick, but the desfensive stops were huge as both teams fought for every possession. Thiic Boiis too good on the drive and crept slightly ahead to win..and sit in 1st by 1 point.

Div 3 had a bunch of games and a bunch of great moments, including the overtime thriller between two old rivals.

Dunkings needed an overtime thriller against the Orange Peelers in a loud and hectic game keeping refs active and players tense. Ivan C was unconscious and had no remorse for the defense piling in 25 points to get over the line. . Jacob Snapping the wrist to perfection finding the bottom of the net for 12 points worth of buckets in the win. the only resistance coming from, Omar N got the game high in points outscoring everyone with 27 points helping out with the teams offensive load. , Will scored well but it wasnt enough as he notched 13 points but a loss unfortunately . Game of the round!! These two teams battled first half well and kept up with each other, the 2nd half saw Peelers take some control behind Omars work in the paint, but in the dying moments of the 2nd half Hayden hit a big flip shot from the side to put the game into OT with 2.5 seconds left, extra time was awarded and Sam and Jacob put the game away with the OT game finishing with Dunkings on top,great effort from both teams!

Average Joes started strong and got the jump on Calderwood Canaries and went back to the locker room with a solid Win. Aidan pushed the break and went home with a tidy 14 points to ensure they got buckets this round. . Mark started scoring later in the game but ended up on 10 points in this game. Whilst on the other team, Scott T channelled Kobe and wanted the win this time, getting 27 points looking for the space to go to work down low , Dan B finished the game with a commendable 15 points as he pitched in to add to the score. There are four main interventions of treatments that viagra 25mg must be followed. Only 2 viagra super pills a day must be taken, one in morning and one in afternoon or evening. Largo Enlargement Cream Features Enhance the penis hardness; make discount for cialis choose here all the more enduring erections, harder. Women who are planning to get pregnant or to enter IVF programs should buy viagra be advised to lose weight before starting so, as very strict diets are not allowed during pregnancy or while on IVF.
. Av Joes getting a high score in regards to the gap they put on Canaries who always put up a valiant effort only to fall short by a few plays that Av joes turned it to their advantage and kept pushing the ball inside relentlessly geting big numbers out of their scorers and the win to Av Joes!

Unanderra 26ers had better offense than the defense of their opponent, PRESTIGE WORLDWIDE , who underestimated the accuracy of their opponent and copped a loss for it Harry S just too much experience shooting the 3 with 22 points to get over the line. .Tim R let it fly and hit more than missed with 22 points on the sheet which simply outscored the other teams leaders being, Jarod F couldnt miss much as he led his team with 19 points recorded by the bench , Daniel C was feeling good with 7 points helping out with the teams offensive load. 26ers with final win in the division leaving an undefeated record and some stellar play lately, they jump up to the Division 2 battleground and look to make a splash as Prestige just didn’t have the face to keep up with the attack this time around!

LA BLobbers wins a resounding victory over the unlucky Chiefs and pushed it all the way to the end. Dimitri S pushed the break and went home with a tidy 23 points to ensure they get the win this round. George S helped out with the load getting 10 points to get over the line. simply out working the other scorers being, Callum D kept his average up there for the season with a nice 5 points in this game. , Tate H played well as far as getting 4 points in the loss . LA Blobbers playing out of their minds as they jumped up to a quick 15 point lead in the first half going strong into the 2nd where the Chiefs made a good run only to have the bleeding lessened but not stopped, Blobbers hit the cherry pick perfectly and the drive and dish passes were a good display of chemistry! Blobbers in 2nd place now and Chiefs mid ladder.

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Division 1

shaqtin' a fools
Elliot J 28 Nick J 8
better on 2k
Brooklyn A 15 jake L 14
the bandicoots
Daniel B 23 Darcy R 8

Division 2

dellys disciples
Jack M 10 Haydin K 8
double dribble
Grant O 11 Shane S 6
Ryan N 10 Chris M 8
thicc bois
Ryan M 10 Shuq A 4
Yorkies Corner
Daniel H 4 Caleb H 4

Division 3

Unanderra 26ers
Harry S 22 Tim R 22
Prestige Worldwide
Jarod F 19 Daniel C 7
Average Joes
Scott T 27 Dan B 15
calderwood canaries
Aidan 14 Mark 10
Ivan C 25 Jacob 12
orange peelers
Omar N 27 Will 13
la blobbers
Dimitri S 23 George S 10
Callum D 5 Tate H 4