UBL MONDAYs Season 7….Round 5! Big results! Shaqtn a Fools 2 season win streak over!

Andy King Monday Mens

Div 1 had some big moments, the big headline is the Shaqtn a Fools massive win streak almost 2 seasons long comes to an end to the surging Bone Collectors. The ranks switched up after this round!

Wasted Potential started strong and got the jump on Unanderra 26ers and set the tone from the start, big mentions to the performers in this game. Dan B put in some big numbers and got the game high in points notching an impressive 17 points to ensure they get the win this round. . Mitch G with an epic performance and great score of 14 points worth of buckets in the win. whilst on the other team, Alain I had the licence to shoot and put them up to end on 12 points on the sheet , Tim R was heating up as he bagged 10 points but that wasnt enough to get his team over the line this time. Wasted Potential taking the top spot after this game as they took apart the 26ers who were thin in ranks and even thinnger when their main man went down opening the floodgates for the WP scoring runs. 26ers slip to 3rd after this one!

Benders knew what to expect when they faced Dellys Disciples in a game that had the winners go on scoring runs that werent answered in time. Dan W slotted in some 3s with some tidy finishes also to get 17 points to shut the defense down. . Jasper just too much experience around the paint getting 16 points, a much needed performance as they won the scoring matchup against the other teams leading man. Despite a good effort by the other team as Jack M beasted hard this game finishing on a great 14 points recorded by the bench , Owen V played well as far as getting 12 points helping out with the teams offensive load. Benders are starting to get some momentum this year as they return with some fire, they enter the equal 3rd position with the Dellys after this win as they hit their shots from the mid range to the 3 and inside for some nice post moves to keep the Dellys scurrying for the ball and chasing the break. Dellys came out with some nice plays and some threes landing, but they couldn’t lock down the mid range and copped the L..

Bone Collectors got a good first ever win on the forever hustling Shaqtin’ a Fools in a game that started close but ended one sided. Reggie K getting stats from everywhere including 23 point game to contribute to his teams effort. . Jerome T with an epic performance and great score of 20 points worth of buckets in the win. Which for this game outshines the effort of, Lachy Cr points from slashing and finding the gaps in the zone D. 13 points worth of buckets in the loss.. , Bryn 12 & Andy K played well as far as getting 12 points on the sheet . The big game of the round as the Bone Collectors take down the almightly Shaqtn a Fools whos winning streak has been extensive and the longest in Mondays UBL history with some championships in between. But its over and the Reggie JT show was too much for them as they weren’t able to land on some of their 3s, and couldn’t fight back from a 10 point gap all game…Bone Collectors now equal 2nd with their victims this game. Its on!

DIv 2 was smoking, with the pace of the games at a solid level, the break not seeming to affect the ballers as they ran it out this round.

The Bandicoots got a good win on the Pandemic Ps in a clinic, taking advantage of lesser defensive matchup. Angus M pushed the break and went home with a tidy 33 points, a much needed performance as they won the scoring matchup against the other teams leading man. . Jack had the licence to shoot and put them up to end on 15 points on the sheet even though from the other team, Ryan S let it fly and hit more than missed with 13 points but a loss unfortunately , Cameron S the recipient of some nice extra passes for open shots getting him 6 points helping out with the teams offensive load. Bandicoots flawless again as they dismantled the Pandemic Ps this match with some inside outsde attacks combined with a blinding fast break that the Ps just couldn’t keep up with this game, Ryan S big on the inside causing problems for the backline D from Bandicoots, but that spurred them on to the break again. The top spot still owned by the Bandicoots…

Double Dribble was ready this time around for Cream City couldnt stop the unselfish offense they were faced with this game. Jayke Z heat checked after hitting afew shots and kept going, owning this game with a great 12 points to get over the line. . Shane R finished the game with a commendable 8 points worth of buckets in the win. the only resistance coming from, Trent F was unconscious and had no remorse for the defense piling in 22 points helping out with the teams offensive load. , Taco J played well as far as getting 4 points but a loss unfortunately . 2nd half scoring was just a little too much this time around for Cream City who have split their games this season sitting on .500 in 3rd, Double Dribble on a 4 game win streak and used their usual formular of 3 bombs and some slashing that the small ball line up of Cream City just weren’t able to keep up with.

Div 3 the big Div that just got a little bigger with the numbers rounding out and making for some epic matchups this round!
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Orange Peelers got a good win on the Bricklayers and set the tone from the start, big mentions to the performers in this game. Amura J got the game high in points outscoring everyone with 18 points to ensure they get the win this round. . Omar N pushed the break and went home with a tidy 9 points in this game. Whilst on the other team, Michajlo kept his average up there for the season with a nice 17 points but a loss unfortunately , Les H ended up with an efficient 3 points as he pitched in to add to the score. .Orange peelers still on a tear as they are 5 and 0 this season and sit in number 1 spot. The big time activity of Amura starting to put the Div on notice and spurring the win this time, the Bricklayers hitting some nice 3s but unable to get the extra boards for extra attempts this match and cop the L.

Dunkings had better offense than the defense of their opponent, Average Joes who struggled to break the defense to get buckets. Ivan C channelled Kobe and wanted the win this time, getting 20 big ones to conlclude the mission . Hayden A 8 & Jacob kept his average up there for the season with a nice 8 points on the sheet which simply outscored the other teams leaders being, Dan B had the licence to shoot and put them up to end on 19 points recorded by the bench , Scott T felt it was time to step up and got 11 points helping out with the teams offensive load. . Dunkings not stopping and this time they notch the win on the Av Joes whos mid range attack was effective, but the defense their picked didn’t work as well against Ivan slashing every chance he got, which got the W this time. Av Joes in 4th after this game.

L.A ICONS took the game second half from the Miami Yeet and hustled harder getting the W. Dimitri S put in some big numbers and got the game high in points notching an impressive 23 points to ensure they get the win this round. George S owning the glass and taking names in the post with 21 points to get over the line. simply out working the other scorers being, Jaden H kept his average up there for the season with a nice 14 points in this game. , Jacob M played well as far as getting 9 points in the loss . LA Icons are sitting at a good rank in equal 2nd and this game they showed they they can contend with the big bois of the Div was they went to work in the paint, old school style, the 3s were rare but the big time physicality was the winner inside and the game eventually. Till next time they face!

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Division 1 & 2

bone collectors
Reggie K 23 Jerome T 20
shaqtin' a fools
Lachy Cr 13 Bryn 12 & Andy K 12
wasted potential
Dan B 17 Mitch G 14
Unanderra 26ers
Alain I 12 Tim R 10
Dan W 17 Jasper 16
dellys disciples
Jack M 14 Owen V 12

Division 2

the bandicoots
Angus M 33 Jack 15
pandemic P's
Ryan S 13 Cameron S 6
double dribble
Jayke Z 12 Shane R 8
cream city
Trent F 22 Taco J 4

Division 3

orange peelers
Amura J 18 Omar N 9
Michajlo 17 Les H 3
Ivan C 20 Hayden A 8 & Jacob 8
Average Joes
Dan B 19 Scott T 11
la icons
Dimitri S 23 George S 21
Miami yeet
Jaden H 14 Jacob M 9
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