The Has Beanz took on Miami vice and the result was swayed by recent addition Brook, straight outa Div1 in the Sydney leagues and showing hes here to put up numbers and push the win on this one. PB took out JackieMoons in another good passing game and long range shooting from Brett B the resident downtowner, Jackiemoons still strong but slipped up on this game! MIB the defending champs just out hustled and outrebounded the Misfits putting up some good fast breaks but couldnt get any glass to the 2nd chances.
Spring Chickens spearheaded by Smylie, and only needing less than a starting lineup to dispatch the Splash bros, disoriented by the Chickens and their relentless push to the bucket, leaving the spring chickens with a win! Replacements still the bomb, as they win against the youth of Dirty Mike and the boys, Replacments are now the team to beat in Div2 and other teams envy the perfect harmony of their offense!
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Pistons get a great win on an undermanned Blouses, the long shots and short shorts were falling on the way to the W and Pistons look to push forward and climb the ladder after a few games off.
Please ensure ALL players that play for your teams are signed off on your team register, and please ensure Registration for this season , LAST round was the cut offIf players are not on the rego sheet, or have not paid registration, then teams may lose competition points, from round 5 onwards. please see UBL officials to complete registration.
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