Div 1
Haz Beanz grinded out a win in back and forth match vs #talktomebro undermanned but pumped up for the challenge. Top scorers in this game were, Elliot J ( 19 ) top scoring for his team, & Joe Puljic ( 16 ) . The opponents top scorers were; Jack C ( 15 ) , & Dr Lach ( 13 ). Haz Beanz able to get the ball to the right person to hit their shots, and Elliot J and Joe were hitting their Js from all spots and getting momentum with Haz Beanz most game, but #talktomebro were right in the whole time answering back with buckets each time. Dr Lach and Jack C put on a lot of pressure on the inside and midrange to keep things so close that it came down to Joe hitting a bunch of free throws to ice the game for Haz Beanz who are now in 2nd. #talktomebro in 5th!
Watch Haz Beanz vs TALKTOMEBRO!
Miami Vice started strong and got the jump on The Oubres in a clinic, taking advantage of lesser defensive matchup. Top point getters in this game were, Sam M & Dan B ( 35ea ) leading his team & Seth P ( 28 ) . The other teams' top scorers were; Jesse O ( 30 ) , & Lachy Pax ( 16 ) . Miami Vice were out for blood this game, as they starting pushing the ball inside all game to their bigs who combined for 70, Sam and Dan B unstoppable at the hoop, and Seth was all over teh break and hitting his js to hammer The Oubres out of contention this game. The Oubres had Jesse O drop a 30 piece to try and get them back in, as Lach P hit some nice shots on great moves to pitch in for his points. The Oubres are in 3rd now and Miami Vice in 4th.
Watch Miami Vice vs THE OUBRES !
Mudflaps were pumped to be playing Bisons D1 in a game that had the winners go on scoring runs that werent answered in time. Top performers in this game were, Patty Lancaster ( 23 ) leading the way & Todd Rhodes ( 16 ) . Their opponents had top scorers too, and they were; Tom ( 15 ) , & Pete & Mike ( 6 ) . Mudflaps used their usual weapons to do damage this game, Patty led the way and Todd hit his big 3s from deep to combine for 39 in the win which was crucial in the win. Bisons D1 werent able to get things going all game, with constant D stifling their shots. Tom was able to get the team high also getting Pete and Mike to help out with a few points in the loss. Mudflaps are in 1st still and look to close out the season with the 1st rank going into playoffs.
Watch Mudflaps vs BISONS D1!
Div 2
AGENTS wins a resounding victory over the unlucky Gongstar who werent ready for them this game. Top scorers in this game were, Mitch L ( 17 ) getting the team high in points & Jono C (14) & Jordan P ( 12 ) . The opponents top scorers were; Mark M ( 18 ) leading his squad , & Rem ( 10 ). AGENTS were hustling hard and looking for their shooters this game, putting in passes to Jono who had the spin cycle going inside. Mitch L led the team and Jrodan P helped out too with some Js to take down the Gongstar this round. Mark and Rem combining for 28 in the loss as they provided buckets at the cup and from the mid range to try keep the game close. Gongstar are in 5th now and AGENTS in 3rd.
2Muddy took the game second half from the Cookies and Kareem and put up alot of unanswered buckets to mount up the lead and the win. Top scorers in this game were, Curt Leman ( 18 ) getting team high in the win & James L & Todd R ( 13ea ) . The opponents top scorers were; Michael ( 8 ) stepping up for his team , & Macca ( 7 ). 2Muddy starting slow and were having issues getting their usual early lead, as Michael and Macca were confident and taking it inside to the teeth of the D and hitting a few outside of the paint too. Cookies and Kareem sit in 4th now after this loss.. Curt James and Todd combined for 44 in the win as they attacked from all angles to get the win for the 1st place 2Muddy .
Bisons took the game second half from the No Net November and was victorious this round, thanks to some players putting in work. Top scorers in this game were, Zeal ( 14 ) leading the way & Mike ( 6 ) . The opponents top scorers were; Jack N ( 11 ) , & Jonah R ( 8 ) . Bisons have been playing strong and getting everyone going this game on the scoresheet, Zeal and Mike lef the way to put a good run on No Net November in the 2nd half to complete the mission. Jack N and Jonah had some luck combining for 19 in the loss to the strong showing from the 2nd place Bisons . No Net November are in 5th at the moment, tied going into the last double poitns round next week!
Watch Bisons vs NO NET NOVEMBER !
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