URAC Round 5… stay off the bottom!

UBL Admin UBL Saturday

Keep up the hustle, mid season two teams swap destinies as the bottom of Div 1 goes down and the top of the D Leauge goes up to the big dance! Rebels bounce back and get a win, trying to staff off the bottom run over PB who are looking to get back up to try save themselves a relegation. Has Beenz slightly takes SC Meats down with some big games from the young ballers comin up…great to see! Riley droppin a cool 23, must be the shoes! MIB clip Miami in a heated game, big men aside, the break told the story as it was back and forth till the late minutes. Beers topping the D League, maybe making a run for Div1 as they trounce opponents with their experience in the UBL battlegrounds, latest victim, Splash Bros! Sonics flexing and taking down Jackie moons with almost 20. their dynamics distrupting the UOW rep team as they still look for their go to playsSafeway Driving soft generic viagra Centers are among the leading driver education schools in NYC consider these factors among many others, and need to make sure that their curriculum revolves around their students’ interests, and not the other way around. These courses teach a student about levitra discount prices the traffic laws, safety features of the car, basics of vehicles, ways to avoid accidents, road rules, driving in bad conditions etc. cialis online purchase Chiropractic is a safe and effective healthcare treatment. Whether you are looking for a high risk merchant services to all types of businesses, which include: – direct marketing, mail order,, infomercials, dating website sites, telephone order, online dating sites, travel companies, MOTO, telecommunications companies, adult toys & DVDs, adult content sales timeshare companies, adult membership sites, subscription services, midwayfire.com buy viagra in australia / herbal supplements sales, membership clubs, membership services, tickets, MLM, airline tickets and many. . HM Goats looking good and taking on Mad Skillz for the Win!! great round ballers, keep it clean, keep it real, and keep it in the spirit of the game…we are here to Ball out of control and have fun… Div 1 Rebels 59 def PB 41 Brendan 23, Fryday 18 Froi 12 Haz Beanz 69 def SC Meats 66 Riley 23, Daz W 19, Delo 22 MIB 64 def Miami Vice 55 Ben 12? Dan 11? Div 2 Beers 42 def Splash Bros 28 Shannon 20, Dave H 12 Sonics 53 def Jackiemoons 36 Jake F 15 12, Dom C 9 HM Goats 59 def Madd Skillz 41 Greg M 18, Ant H 16 Dyl 10 BYE Dirty Mike n the Boys Top Scorers