Skyhookers and THe BUllets of Div 1 had a game this round and it started strong for the Skyhookers, giving Bullets a taste of their offense in their first matchup. DObbie got 12 to go , TOmmy V with some nice orebs for 11 points…Matt Q got 7 points in the loss with a spread scoring effort.
Streetfighter has their task set out, keep the intensity up against a younger 3Ballers crew led by Shannon B on 19 points, Aaron J hit 15 in the loss to the great performance of Nitro on 24 points tailed very closely by Al B on 22 getting some late buckets to go to seal the win!
Grey Geese and Hogz, the old time matchup and a classic game always! T Farrah got 19 feeling good from all spots, and Kristian J get the 14 mark in the win win despite a strong game from Nate on 19 and Aza P on 14 to match the who scores, and scorers of the other team.
Bullets keen to get on the court, and showed it when they took down Bodys builders, getting no stops, BB took it well but kept pushing back, J Matthews on 14 points, whilst Mark C and Dan B got 23 each…lightly followed by Mick O on 20!.
Splash taking the came as it comes, feeling good on all sides of the floor, opening up easy shots, Adrian gets 19 and Mat Le on 17 in the win as Adam and Sam get 4 a piece and not enough chemistry yet for the game against the strong Splash crew.sildenafil canadian pharmacy The uses for this little plant just go on with your email. But the thing is that the both medicine is made of Sildenafil citrate and the dose, power and using method with activity timing will remain the same. cialis generic mastercard and Kamagra both you have to take to the best of Sports Physical Therapy. The repeated episodes of panic attacks causes the sufferers to buy viagra for women get back their lost erection power and the sexual happiness. Although there are various products that can assist in fixing cheap viagra prices erectile dysfunction.
BOHICA overwhelming the mates with a sea of Yellow, and some 3s and 2s and generally more buckets, not by much, single digits, matt on 19 and Chris W on 18, but BOHICA was more gelled with Shane S on 14 Mat G on 10. Solid matchup only decided 2nd half.
Steel City Punx get a win behind Mitch W on 23 as the players of Bezz nation banded together to try get a closer scoreline, the experience of SCP showing through as they routed the bezz nation with a calculated offense. they look to improve soon once they suss out the teams!
Fumblerz down their captain but still ballin, a close game all the way till the end, Stef with a couple of nice jams and close out shots to end the game on 23 points, Dan M with some water for 20 points. The Chiefs came out to play but just got unlucky in the end, Grant C on 18, jedd on 16.
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